Friday, March 18, 2011

My Family History

So, this is supposed to be a blog about my family history - well a story that has been passed down form generation to generation. However, I was not able to find a special story about my ancestors or culture. What I did was find some interesting stuff about my parents (mainly my dad).

First of all, I do know that I am African American, Native American (Cherokee from Dad, Navajo from Mom whose grandmother married a black man) , French (Dad's ancestors also Creole, possibly Mom), German (MOM, for sure), European, and part- Asian (who knows what side that came from).

My dad, Curley Guillot Jr. likes singing and became a singer in 1976. He loved to sing when he was a kid and learned from his sister, Shirley. He also liked to dance and eventually majored in music and college when he went to San Francisco University. Sadly, he went there for only two years because of the death of my grandfather, Curley Guillot, Sr. This made my father want to take care of his mother by working.

By doing this, he and his group The Mellow Tones sang around Northern California. This was an opportunity because a group called The Whispers were interested in manging them. They were close to opening for the Jackson 5- but it didn't work out.  Other than singing, my dad decided to go into the family business by taking over Curley's Barbershop since my grandmother Lucille was getting old.

In 1984, my father and mother met while being in the police academy and eventually working at the Oakland Police Academy. They got married somewhere in 1988.

In 1993, my father decided to convert to Islam and changed his named to Khaild Jalil Muhammad. Not every one was okay with this, especially his Catholic sister Shirley. My father did not agree with the Catholic faith but was raised in it. This explains why my dad doesn't really like Catholic schools and why I've only been to one.

Other than that, I was born later and next year will be 50 years since the barbershop has been in business.


1 comment:

  1. I responded to your blog kind of.
