Friday, March 4, 2011

Intro of Twenty Six Malignant Gates

Amy Tan's purpose behind writing the intro on pg. 87 for section 2 (Twenty Six Malignnat Gates) was to write about what the theme of the section of the book. Basically what happens in the intro is that the daughter does not listen to the mother because she seems like she is speaking nonsense. The daughter does not listen to the mother and goes for what she believes and fails at the end. In Rules of the Game, the young girl is in love with the game of chess. Waverly Jong's mother Lindo started to brag about her daughter's playing, which embarassed Waverly and made her upset at her mother. Lindo then tells Waverly that "if she is not concerned for her family, then her family is not concerned for her." This relates to what Amy Tan was illustrating in her intro. The mother eventually gives up on her daughter and leaves the young daughter feeling sad and that she failed.

In the Voice of the Wall, it is more feeling sad than anything else. Lena feels bad after her motherYing Ying fnds herself crazy and the fact that she lost her baby. The intro relates because it is sort of in reverse. Lena is not the one who is hardheaded and really fails. she is sad about the misfortune her mother goes through. However, Ying Ying starts to have psychological problems and Lena starts to have some too. Then, Lena realizes that she may not be crazy but the rest of the story is left hangign like the intro.

Tan may be doing this for all the intros- to get a main idea of what the stories in the section may be about.

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