Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Connection of Families

Today, we have to write a blog about the connections of other people's stories. There are many good stories about grandparents or parents who had a wonderful or terrible journey but I decided to write about the connections between Elijah's story and mine.  The way we both connect is how our parents/relatives either go on interesting adventures in life and how this helps connect a family. We both talked about struggles our fathers or mother had to go through at one point.
this story helps me feel closer to my parents by showing me  that they actually had a life before i came along. I love that my parents had this amazing adventure together and it makes me want to have type of adventure when i grow up.
I can relate to this quote Elijah put in his blog because I did not really know my dad went through some of the stuff he went through because of the way he is today. I am not as interested in to music like my dad was but I would not mind having the type of adventure he had when he was younger. Other things that I saw that was a connection was the actions both of our parents made. An example would be helping the family.
but not too long after my mom settled in my mom ended up getting homesick and went back to help out her parents in Texas. However at almost the same time, my dad, who had his own moving arrangements had moved from Nigeria to Huston, Texas to get a better education, was now moving to California to go to school at University of California Berkeley, or UC Berkeley.
The same thing happened with my dad who had to quit singing to take care of my ailing grandmother at the time. By doing this, he had to run the family barbershop and also went to college to support her because of the passing of my grandfather. So, this is how Eli and I connect- by the actions made by our parents and how these actions affect us today. 

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