Friday, November 5, 2010

Things I hate

This is a blog about the things I hate whether it is this week or last week .

Facebook changes- I hate it when new things get added or things get changed. For instance, the whole chatting department on the left side that tells you who is on and who wants to chat. It was easy because you could see the little profile picture and the name. Now there are all the small profile pictures that make the chat box look like a Rubik cube. Also, when you add a friend but then later on you see that you have one less friend or in the friend suggestions. Then you ask them why did they delete you from your friend list and they are all like" I didn't delete you from my friend list"." And another thing: I hate it when you get notifications saying that a friend answered a question about you and then when you go to see what they said, it says you need more points. You then go look to see how you can get points and that is by either buying or answering random questions about random people  you probably don't even talk too but added anyway. It's like a big waste of time.

.I hate it when people blame you for stuff you know you didn't do. So then you wait for them to realize that they were wrong and they were probably the ones who did it. And then they look stupid at the end.

.I hate it when teachers try too hard to make you like them and its like you really don't. In conclusion, I hate it when teachers move you closer to their desk, thinking that's gonna help because I'm not going to look at you while you teach a boring class and plus you are not the first thing I want to see in the morning.

. I hate it when a new episode of your favorite show comes on 2 weeks later.

.I hate cliques, petty girls, and melodrama

.I hate smart people who think they are better than everyone

.I hate it when the car in front of you is going slow as you rush to exit the freeway. Then when you think nothing is going to be in your way as you exit, the car pulls over.

.I hate it when snack machines take your money and then the snack gets stuck.

.I hate it when machines don't take your dollar

. I hate people being sick at school and then trying to touch you.

.I  hate people who play  or say they love Justin Bieber everywhere I go

.I hate quiz notes (with a passion)!

.I hate rude Highway patrol cops

.I hate it when Glee messes with a song that dosn't need to be messed with.

.I hate people who think they are shit and they look like shit.

.I hate it when people don't let things go and keep talking about the same conversation because they know they are wrong.

.I hate people complain and act annoying by doing it.

. I hate rude people like people who don't give a damn about someone while they are hurt

.And I hate math!

And these are the things I hate this week.

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