Friday, January 21, 2011

Is America Corrupt by Political Power?

So Thursday, Mr. Sutherland had us answer the question "Does political power corrupt the people who attain it?" I had a hard time answering  this question so most of this wont make sense.

In my opinion, political power corrupts the people who attain it because of the fact that they may not agree with what the government is saying. Political power corrupts people when they do not know when they are being tricked by laws or by the government. I think George Orwell would answer the same way but would have more points about how political power controls people and has a lot of effect on those who are following the powers of politicians. George Orwell wrote "Animal Farm" to help support his points about how political power has a major effect on people, but in the book he uses animals to represent these people. He uses pigs to be the main p=oliticians who are in charge of goats, horses, and other animals in the farm to be Republicans or Democrats. The quotes he use that help support his points are:
"We are born,we are given just so much food as will keep the bretah in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength ... no animal in England knows the meaning of happiness and leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: this is the plain truth," (28).
This quote relates to politics and how the government has laws about people and these laws control people. It also relates because political power is corrupting people. However, in the story power corrupts animals. There are other quotes like on pg. 43 which is the list of Sevn Commandments. These commandments are laws obeying the animals from any type of freedom.

And this is all i wrote...  : D

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