Friday, January 14, 2011


I found this quote by Ms. Carly Cheung, who was responding to something else in her response. The quote was,
As I think more about it, inspiration can be anything- from a simple object in everyday life to a rare life-changing experience.
I find this quote interesting because I think it is true. We can be inspired by anything that we find interesting or what will help us in the future. When we find something or someone so inspiring, it is not from a random feeling. We may look at the tv and see people giving back to charity. It does not have to be charity - it could be a profession that you have. For instance, a young boy could be inspired by many of the basketball games he watches and wants to become a professional basketball player. It is not just inspiring to do something because you want to change but it is inspiring when you want to become that person one day.

Carly also talks about how hard it can be to be inspired. This is also true. Many people don't become inspired by someone or something because they may not know what they want to be when they grow up. I cna relate to this because growing up, I didn't really know who was my inspiration because I wasn't sure who really inspired me to go to the path I wanted to go on. Today, I have a few inspirations for film and philantrophy. I decided to give back to charity because I thought it was nice that many people were giving back and I wanted to be part of that.

We can be inspired by the smallest things by using our minds or the biggest things to become an inspiration to others.

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