Friday, January 28, 2011

Animal Farm Essay

The Concept of Bad English
In George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language”, he talks about how bad English was at the time and how it refers to politics. He says that bad English is a problem but not something we can really solve. People are always going to have bad English because they may not be thinking at the time or did not pass an English class. One interesting thing Orwell points out is that “underneath this lies the half- conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we can shape for our own purposes.” This quote sounded interesting to me because it rather explains the whole idea of how incorrect grammar is used. Language is a natural growth but we do not always use it properly.
The other main points of Orwell’s essay are that bad language has political and economic causes, which he must explain later but does not introduce in his first two paragraphs. He is probably saying that bad language affects those who are in politics and economics because their speeches and written work needs to be clear to the audience. Orwell includes an example that relates to the effect of bad English in the second paragraph. He says, “A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks.” What Orwell might be saying is that people use incorrect grammar because they do not think about the smart thing to say. If they continue to use incorrect grammar, then they will not succeed in writing nor would people take them seriously.
Some of the stuff that Orwell writes in his essay I agree with and then some of it I question. According to Orwell, the main reason why we have incorrect grammar is that “our thoughts are foolish, but slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.” I do agree that our thoughts can be ‘foolish’. This is because we do not normally think about what we are saying before we say it. There have been times where I, or people around me, have said things like “She been did…She been had… I is…” Usually the reason why this happens is because I do not really think about what I am saying- I am more focused on expressing my feelings or trying to get my point across. The things I have to question are his ways of that thinking clearly and politics go together. He does not really explain in these two paragraphs, but he has strong points and interesting data on English.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Child Actor Repsonse

I believe child actors should not  be thought of as role models because they are not the role they play and their behaviors can differ either in a positive or negative way. They may play a kiddy role but that is not who they are. Yes, kids may like them and may want to be them. But the child actor has a life and does not depend on their role to get on with their lives. An example would be the Disney stars we have today.

Demi lovato, who was recently in rehab was Mitchie in Camp Rock 1 and 2 and Sonny in sonny with a Chance. Little girls like the show and probably sang all the songs in the movie. However, Demi went to rehab because she had emotional problems. These were problems Disney Channel viewers probably didn't understand because of how young they were. Demi's characters are not going through the problems because they live in a young tween world with Rated G problems. Lovato, on the other hand is going through real situations younger kids are not going to be ale to understand until they get older or experience it.

Sources who are to close to Demi Lovato have said about ehr past and reaosns of going to rehab are that,
She has fought through eating disorders and has struggled with cutting
Demi Lovato is getting help, which is a good thing. However, parents want to say that the actors that the kids see on television should be role models, but based on behavior, parents should watch out for their children and their actions.

Another example would be Miley Cyrus, another Disney Star- we all know her as playing Hannah Montana but then  we also know her as the provocative, doing drugs, lap dancing and pole dancing teenager. By her actions and decisions she makes, she is trying to break from her kiddy role and grow up and live her own life.

In an interview, Miley Cyrus talks about moving on form Hannah Montana and growing up,

I’ll be 18 this year. Definitely you do a lot of growing, and that’s hard to do on a show that does have a lot of restrictions as well. Because there are things we want to do that involve growing up, but then what"
This shows that Miley Cyrus has finally moved on and does not want to be stuck in that role forever.

Also, the Glee Kids? There are teenagers and younger kids (probably 8 years olds) who watch that show and are probably inspired by Lea Michele, Cory Montheith, Amber Riley, and the rest of them. However last year, there was an issue of GQ where Lea Michele was wearing panties and Diana Agron was wearing a short skirt and Cory Montheith was in the middle with his hands on both of their  butts.

Many Magazines such as US Weekly to Parenting Magazines have talked about the cover and the fact that many parents believe it has to do with  pedophilia.

In this next quote, 'Glee' Star Diana Agron talks about the cover and her views on the pedophilia issue.

 But there are parental locks, and ways to get around this. I am twenty-four years old. I have been a pretty tame and easy-going girl my whole life. Nobody is perfect, and these photos do not represent who I am.
This quote really tells viewers about the actors in the show children watch. Their characters and photo shoots whether racy or not do not define who they are.  None of the Glee stars are teenagers and don't want to be thought of as teenagers. And Miley Cyrus and Demi lovato are growing up and are dealing with their own problems. All of them want to do their own thing -these are probably not actions that kids should follow  but at one point both kids and parents should understand that the actors are not like their characters. Which leaves my point as in why child actors should not be thought of as role models.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Is America Corrupt by Political Power?

So Thursday, Mr. Sutherland had us answer the question "Does political power corrupt the people who attain it?" I had a hard time answering  this question so most of this wont make sense.

In my opinion, political power corrupts the people who attain it because of the fact that they may not agree with what the government is saying. Political power corrupts people when they do not know when they are being tricked by laws or by the government. I think George Orwell would answer the same way but would have more points about how political power controls people and has a lot of effect on those who are following the powers of politicians. George Orwell wrote "Animal Farm" to help support his points about how political power has a major effect on people, but in the book he uses animals to represent these people. He uses pigs to be the main p=oliticians who are in charge of goats, horses, and other animals in the farm to be Republicans or Democrats. The quotes he use that help support his points are:
"We are born,we are given just so much food as will keep the bretah in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength ... no animal in England knows the meaning of happiness and leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: this is the plain truth," (28).
This quote relates to politics and how the government has laws about people and these laws control people. It also relates because political power is corrupting people. However, in the story power corrupts animals. There are other quotes like on pg. 43 which is the list of Sevn Commandments. These commandments are laws obeying the animals from any type of freedom.

And this is all i wrote...  : D

Friday, January 14, 2011


The question is" Will Your life be better if you go to an elite college?". My answer to that is no. Elite colleges are more expensive and it only has better recognitions. Community colleges like COA are more of a choice because you do not have to pay so much and you get the same degrees that elite colleges provide. The reason why elite colleges are a big thing is because they are bigger and provide a larger fields of study. In my opinion, it does not matter what type of college will give you a better life- as long you go to college or get into a college.

So there has been a 7-way debate talking about the importance of the question that I wrote in the beginning.

To me, the best debate was Kevin Carey's Skip the Admissions Game Response. He kept it straightforward and had sources to prove his points. His points make sense and also help the readers know and understand.

The only way we know how to rate college quality in this country is by wealth, fame, and exclusivity. But most students -- about four out of five -- attend colleges that have modest resources, are easy to get into, and are relatively obscure.
This point helps distinguish which type of college is the best choice. He is basically saying that we should choose the right college not based on looks and location, but based on what the college provides. We do not often think about what can be easier for us when we are in high school. We are too busy focused on what we want to be and what college will do for us up until we graduate. This may have not been the best to others, but to me his sounds reasonable.


I found this quote by Ms. Carly Cheung, who was responding to something else in her response. The quote was,
As I think more about it, inspiration can be anything- from a simple object in everyday life to a rare life-changing experience.
I find this quote interesting because I think it is true. We can be inspired by anything that we find interesting or what will help us in the future. When we find something or someone so inspiring, it is not from a random feeling. We may look at the tv and see people giving back to charity. It does not have to be charity - it could be a profession that you have. For instance, a young boy could be inspired by many of the basketball games he watches and wants to become a professional basketball player. It is not just inspiring to do something because you want to change but it is inspiring when you want to become that person one day.

Carly also talks about how hard it can be to be inspired. This is also true. Many people don't become inspired by someone or something because they may not know what they want to be when they grow up. I cna relate to this because growing up, I didn't really know who was my inspiration because I wasn't sure who really inspired me to go to the path I wanted to go on. Today, I have a few inspirations for film and philantrophy. I decided to give back to charity because I thought it was nice that many people were giving back and I wanted to be part of that.

We can be inspired by the smallest things by using our minds or the biggest things to become an inspiration to others.


Originally, I was going to do another hate post, but I didn't really have a bad week. So I decided to do a random post....

  • Why is the sky blue and not yellow? Green? Red?
  • Why can't animals speak to humans? it be a whole lot easier to know if they are going to attack us.
  • Why did important leaders like MLK or JFK get assassinated?
  • Why is there racism and hate? Why can't we all love each other?
  • Why do white kids not get whupped but all other races do?
  • Why does pregnancy have to hurt?
  • Why don't men get periods?
  • Why do we obsess with our bodies?
  • Why do people go out on Valentine's Day?
  • Why do people look down on mentally and disabled people? There are just people like us, except they have something special we should respect
  • Why are girls known as smart and weak and boys known as dumb and athletic? I'm sure there are athletic girls out there and smart guys as well.
  • Why do girls become flat chested?
  • Why do people think fat is gross?
  • Why are relationships so complicated?
  • Why do we have different accents?
  • Why do we say "like" all the time-what is wrong with our language?
  • Why do we cheat - whether it's on a test or someone we are romantically involved with?
  • Why are there stereotypes?
  • Why do we believe in stereotypes?
  • Why do we get scared?
  • Why do people bully each other?
  • Why are we never sure if we're actually in a relationship?
  • Why was boring ever created?
  • Why were bugs created?
  • Why do teachers give out homework?
  • Why do people do the same stuff in movies? Like the white teenage girl falling while being chased? Or the girl dating the jerk and ends up with her best friend?
  • Why is why created?