Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reflective Essay

Writing blogs are fun to do. Blogging has changed the way I write because it helps my creativity flow. It feels like I can write about anything I want but still proofread to make sure it sounds right to the audience. However, blogging has had a good and bad impact on my writing. I feel like I don't make sense or I didn't make sense when I write blogs or response posts. I felt like something was unclear; there was redundancy; and couldn't write or finish thoughts about the topic. I would always compare and contrast the essays and blogs from English with essays from Writing to see if there is a improvement or not. Blogging helps show my creativity  but I feel somehow it doesn't help improve my essay writing.

Even thought there might be times where my writing doesn't make sense, writing a blog helps me think more about the topic and helps me write my opinions. When I am going to write a response post, I choose a blog that I understand and know the purpose of . When I do, I try to think about how to answer it and connect it to the world. By doing this, the reader can understand and relate more to the subject. Writing a blog has changed the way I think because when I write free -write blogs, I think more about writing something that my audience will like and want to read.

I am not really sure how blogging has changed the way I thought about writing. It gave me a new style to write in other than worrying about formal essays. It also helps me show my creativity when I write free write blogs. Also, I do not have to worry about corrections or anything that is being graded. Blogs have given me a chance to write what I want and not worry about grades. When I write an essay, I have to prepare a lot so I can know what I'm talking about and if it will sound god to the peer editor and teacher for the class. But when I write a blog, it all comes out whether prepared  or not.

Blogs have had good impacts on me so far. I have written blogs with topics I come up with at 11:00 and I get to turn it in before midnight which is good. I think the whole process of blogs is a good process to learn how to write to please your audience and to become a better writer. For me, topics cna be hard to come up with because I do not want to sound boring nor confuse the reader. However, I am doing better this semester with topics so I can say that blogs have helped me a lot.

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