Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reflective Essay

Writing blogs are fun to do. Blogging has changed the way I write because it helps my creativity flow. It feels like I can write about anything I want but still proofread to make sure it sounds right to the audience. However, blogging has had a good and bad impact on my writing. I feel like I don't make sense or I didn't make sense when I write blogs or response posts. I felt like something was unclear; there was redundancy; and couldn't write or finish thoughts about the topic. I would always compare and contrast the essays and blogs from English with essays from Writing to see if there is a improvement or not. Blogging helps show my creativity  but I feel somehow it doesn't help improve my essay writing.

Even thought there might be times where my writing doesn't make sense, writing a blog helps me think more about the topic and helps me write my opinions. When I am going to write a response post, I choose a blog that I understand and know the purpose of . When I do, I try to think about how to answer it and connect it to the world. By doing this, the reader can understand and relate more to the subject. Writing a blog has changed the way I think because when I write free -write blogs, I think more about writing something that my audience will like and want to read.

I am not really sure how blogging has changed the way I thought about writing. It gave me a new style to write in other than worrying about formal essays. It also helps me show my creativity when I write free write blogs. Also, I do not have to worry about corrections or anything that is being graded. Blogs have given me a chance to write what I want and not worry about grades. When I write an essay, I have to prepare a lot so I can know what I'm talking about and if it will sound god to the peer editor and teacher for the class. But when I write a blog, it all comes out whether prepared  or not.

Blogs have had good impacts on me so far. I have written blogs with topics I come up with at 11:00 and I get to turn it in before midnight which is good. I think the whole process of blogs is a good process to learn how to write to please your audience and to become a better writer. For me, topics cna be hard to come up with because I do not want to sound boring nor confuse the reader. However, I am doing better this semester with topics so I can say that blogs have helped me a lot.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Elie's C0nflicts with Supernatural

The Holocaust is one of the most important events in history. In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, many conflicts that are caused other than the Holocaust. Elie has problems whether they are with himself, other characters, society, the supernatural (religion), nature, or fate. Many experiences that Elie has makes him question his own faith, so the theme of Night, so the theme of Night would be character vs. supernatural.

Before the Holocaust Era occurs, Elie really practiced his religion. He didn't feel bad about it at all,
During  the day I studied the Talmud, and at night I ran to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the temple (1)
Both Elie and his father were religious and thought that God was the answer to everything. Elie and his friend Moshe had different ways to practice their religion but to them, religion was really important. But then their beliefs in religion or caring about God change when the Jews now take part in the Holocaust.

For the Jews, it is hard to believe in anything or practice religion while working. Many people's lives were taken away by the German soldiers who were working in the labor camps. This situation worried Elie and made him wonder about God,
But I had ceased to pray. How I sympathized with Job!I did not deny God's existence, but I had doubted His absolute justice," (42).
Elie starts to turn on God because he is upset that God is letting this happen and not changing anything. As he starts to think negative, things become worse and Elie's faith is no longer questioned.

As the Jews move to different labor camps and the years go by, Elie doesn't really pray not believe in faith. Elie is very angry that it's not important to him anymore,
Why but why should I bless him? In every fiber, a rebelled. Because he had had thousands of children burned in his pits? Because he kept six crematories working night and day, on Sundays and feast days?Because in His great might He created Auschwitz, Burkenau, Buna, and so many factories of death?" (64).
His anger with God makes him rely on nothing. He feels he is alone in a world God created and made terrible. Since there is nothing he believes in, he has to find a way to become stronger.

Many of the problems Elie have have to do with religion- which becomes the theme of "Night". Elie is a very religious boy who has a good relationship with God, but then his feelings with God change after many Jews suffer and die in the Holocaust. When things get worse for the Jews, Elie;s relationships with God is lost as well as his faith. As Elie himself puts it,  "Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever".

Friday, October 8, 2010



For those who do not know who I am talking about. He is a African American guy who posts a bunch of videos talking about things he hates or what he complains about. It might not sound interesting, but he is a really hilarious guy. Yes, he likes to bitch but the things he talks about is stuff we can all relate to. Peoplw who have a Youtube can send him ideas t talk about in his videos to complain/explain why the hell they are here.

Many people have tweeted about him like Ashton Kutcher and Shane Dawson. He is totally hilarious and thinks that "failing in life is not cute".

For the readers who have not seen his videos, go now and prepare to LMFAO.

-Wicked News

Response: Pet Peeves

I am responding to Kaila Belgarde's Blog about Pet Peeves. I found some of this interesting and funny at the same time.
My biggest Pet peeve in the world .... smacking. I cannot understand why people cannot close their mouths when they chew.When you put something in your mouth close it and chew so not just let your mouth hang open
I find this true because I also don't like people smacking. One, it can be an annoying habit and two it's not attractive especially if you are on a first date. Sometimes, I can be surrounded by people who constantly do it whether it is a family member of someone to eat lunch with at school. This hasn't been one of my pet peeves ever, but I have had problems with this.

I fully understand Kaila's issues of the three pet peeves she listed. I mean, who would not have a problem with smacking? It's totally rude and the sound is just--- nasty. :D

One of the pet peeves she listed is a thing some people can do constantly.
Another pet peeve I have is when people say the same thing twice. I really just do not understand why people do this. What I mean by this is not say something one day and then say it again later on
I can't really hate on this because sometimes I might make that mistake and not realize that I'm doing it. I know it could be annoying because you already heard the story or statement and it might not be appealing to you anymore.

Hmmm..... I wonder what my pet peeves are after reading this blog. I know, people sneezing and coughing without covering their mouths and then acting like they don't care. I can think of one person who does that.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Teen Stars Today

Today the teen stars that every one talk about are skinny white, Asian, or Latina girls who are always on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. Every one makes a big deal about them because kids watch Nickelodeon and Disney Channel all the time. It makes no sense how today teenagers like Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez are the biggest things to talk about. Back then, there were teen stars/young stars like Molly Ringwald, The Brat Pack, Michael Jackson, Irene Cara, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, N*Sync', Gary Coleman, Leo DiCaprio, and more- they had talent and they all didn't need to be skinny as a stick nor needed to sing to be more noticed (cause trust me- NOT EVERY NICKELODEON? DISNEY CHANNEL STAR CAN SING NOR HAS TALENT!).

The main starlets that are talked about are Miley, Selena, Demi, Victoria, and Miranda. Disney Channel nor Nickelodeon are not very original with these TV shows they come up with. They're always corny, the show is always about the main teen girl, and the girl is never original. When these teen girls come out, there are always rumors and scandal photos scattered all over the Internet.  I have nothing against them but I get annoyed because there is no originality.

If I had to choose any of these teen stars that would actually do very well in Hollywood, I would say Demi Lovato and Victoria Justice. Even though she hangs out with the Jonas Brothers too much, Demi has a good voice, is not a bad actress, and cares about the world. Victoria Justice is really pretty and is not a bad actress either. Miley and the rest of them are either pretty but can't really sing or are neither.

To end this, I just want to say that I don't mean no disrespect to anyone who look up to the stars I listed but you gotta be honest- they're really not all that.