Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PRO- ABORTION!!! (Class DEbate)

Pro Abortion

My member and I are for abortion. We believe that its a woman’s choice if she wants to have a baby or not. There are several people who are not ready or suited to raise a child.

Think about it, would you want a child raised in an impoverished environment where they do not have a loving and supportive family? Don’t you think your child should maintain a healthy life if you do not want your child? What if you can’t support the child and do not know whether you should give him/her up for adoption?

Imagine if you put your child in foster care. What if the parents are abusive? What if they can not provide for them? The child might be sent to different homes and they all may not be caring guardians. states that 85% of children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes; 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes; and 85% of all youths sitting in prisons come from fatherless homes. Not every child will commit crime but it is most likely that it can happen because they do not have caring parents to teach them what is right and what is wrong.

Many teenage girls today are having sex and getting pregnant. According to, 20% of teenagers decide to get abortions because they do not want want to deal with the pressure of having a baby and do not feel they can be responsible parents at their age. We believe a young woman or a teenage girl should have an abortion, especially if they felt it was a mistake. What if a woman was raped and got pregnant? Do you think she should keep a baby with a man she won’t see again?

We also think abortion is a better choice than giving birth to an unwanted child. According to, the death of a woman who is getting an abortion is one in 100,000 while women who die when giving birth are 13.3 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies. We think women are most likely to survive during an abortion than giving birth.

Why go through all this trouble of unplanned pregnancy? If a child is brought in this world, he or she should be loved and cared about. If it is unwanted, then what good will it do for the parents? Whether they are young or old and do not want babies, they should be able to make the right decision for themselves.

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