Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q and his Relationships

Q's relationship with Lll has a beautiful start, but then his arrogance causes the relationship to go wrong. When Q meets Lll, he is in love at first sight, "When you looked at her smooth skin, you felt that scales had never existed" (pg.75). Q is definitely in love but then he decides to hide his Uncle N'Ba N'Ga and anything else about him that he finds embarassing. First he is upset about her meeting Uncle N'Ba N'Ga,, thinking he was boring. Then when she spends his time with Uncle N'Ba N'Ga, Q gets very arrogant and jealous, "Stop repeating that old fool's nonsense," (pg.81). This shows Q's jealousy and he didn't want Lll paying more attention to Uncle N'Ba N'Ga than him. Unfortunately, Q's arrogance didn't make things better when Lll left him for Uncle N'Ba N'Ga. If it wasn't for Q's arrogance and quick jealousy, things would have worked out for him.

After Lll left him, Q stayed the same but this time became harsh and a little desperate. In the story, "The Dinosaurs", Q meets Fern-Flower,who is weird but attractive. Fern-Flower tells Q her dreams- dreams that are about horrible situations , but to Q, he doesn't worry,
"That dream should have made me understand many things and especially one thing: that Fern- Flower desired nothing more than to be assaulted. This was the moment for me to embrace her," (101).
Q sounds more like he wanted to do something romantice and not comfort her. Other than his love life, Q struggles by trying to find out who he is. He is called the "Ugly One" to the New Ones; he becomes very shallow when his history of Dinosuars is talked about; and becomes leader to the New Ones. His arrogant pride is shown when he is persuaded to command the New Ones in a possible war,

"In short, I wanted nothing more than to do with either side: let them rip each other apart in turn! I didn't give a damn about any of them. I had to escape as fast as possible, let them stew in their own juice, having nothing more to do with these old stories," (pg. 106).
Since Q was their leader, he felt that he didn't need to do anything for them. He was also being selfish to his own species and to Fern- Flower. Q's mistakes make him wonder and he becomes alone.

Many of the mistakes Q makes in his relationship in the story "The Aquatic Uncle" are similiar to how he is in "The Dinosuars". In "The Aquatic Uncle", Q was busy trying to keep her from meeting his embarassing uncle  and proving that he's strong, he never realized that he was pushing her away. Uncle N'Ba N'Ga taught Lll things that Q was not able to. When he meets Fern- Flower in "The Dinosaurs", he acts very similar. He becomes arrogant because his seen as a strong character, which he couldn't show to Uncle N'Ba N'Ga. Since he has more control, he does not know how to act towards female characters. He becomes desperate when he discovers that he has feelings for a young half breed. Q eventually yells at Fern- Flower and realizes he doesn't care becuase he was arrogant. Q's arrogance and embarassment gets in the way of his true feelings for the one he cares about and always keeps it to himself.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vampires: Love Them, HATE Them, Get Rid of Them?

Ah, we are in a new decade of the 21st century. In the beginning, we had boy bands, creative artists, bubblegum pop, halter tops, mini skirts, leather pants, butt crack jeans, muffin tops, superhero movies, lame reality tv shows, good and bad fashions, etc. This was in the beginning of the 2000s. Then people such as Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Lady Gaga became some of the most talked about people; Uggs and Crocs (the ugliest shoes) in the world took over. Then VAMPIRE- MANIA CAME!!!!!

Suddenly, a woman named Stephenie Meyer decided one day to write a book from a dream she had. She created this blank, boring world full of sparkly vampires, dumb love story, and weird humans! Then a bunch of weird preteen girls started reading the series and believing it was the shit. Then every one went to go see the movie, which was more boring than the books. Now every thing has to do with vampires or is compared to Twilight.

There is Vampire Diaries and True Blood, two highly rated tv shows about vampires. Many people get sick and tired of the Twilight rip offs and Twilight itself. They get tired of the same crappy stuff and vampires. There were so many good vampire movies before Twilight came. Underworld with Kate Beckinsale in the tight leather suit, Van Helsing, Interview With the Vampire, and the Dracula movies. We didn't have a problem with vampires until Twilight came.

Twilight basically ruined vampires for all of us vampire fans.

There are all these different rules now for vampires whether they sparkle, wear rings, or how a human can still be human even if the vampire bit them?

So i ask this.... Should vampires just never exist or should they stay?

I am not a big Twilight fan- I still love other vampire movies. I could never get tired of vampires but Twilight on the other hand can go........

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Response : Body parts- how people feel about them

I found an interesting quote from Carly Cheung's blog about how we should basically appreciate them:
Having my own body just feels more comfortable, even though I would not know how it feels to have a piece of technology attached to me. Maybe we should start thinking about how unique our original bodies actually is and appreciate it.
 I like this quote because i find it unique and honest. We should appreciate what we have instead of  complaining and hating ourselves for the way we look. God made us the way we are and we should be grateful for what we have. If we don't like it, change it but don't do anything drastic that would mess with health issues or cause you your life.Yes, many people don't like the way their bodies look and this is usually about weight. That is one of the good things about exercising- you can build more muscle and work on your physical strength.Then again, it is hard for people to exercise. Why? they might need motivation and can possibly be couch potatoes.

We should all feel comfortable in our own skin and like our bodies. Surgery won't do no good- it makes you look different and there might be some things that you might not like. Examples would be Michael Jackson and Heidi Pratt. Michael Jackson has had many surgeries, especially on his nose. He had to change it so much because he thought it was a good thing at the time but reliazed that there were some problems with it, so he change it. He started weaves after his hair burned and there was an incident where you could tell his nose was fake.

Heidi Pratt did much worse than him though. She turned herself into a complete Barbie Doll. When i look at old episodes of Laguna beach and the Hills, Iam shocked by how she looked then and how she looks now. She had surgery in her forehead area,  nose, lips, and deduced her breasts! WHO THE HELL GOES FROM HARDLY HAVING BOOBS TO A DOUBLE D???? I thought it was very dumb, but that was her choice. Just like Michael jackson, Heidi realized on an episode of the Hills that every one thought she was beautiful just the way she was. She cried, knowing that she was beautiful before, but that she went through all this plastic surgery for nothing.

That is why we should not take advantage of our bodies by getting plastic surgery. We should like our bodies and exercise more if we want to change it. If we don't, we might regret the mistakes we made before. No one has to look like the skinny model in the magazine or ad; they should love themselves because every one is beautiful. :D

Friday, September 17, 2010

Response: Homework

I choose to respond to Andy Li's blog about homework:
Is homework a good thing or a bad thing? Teachers and paretns say it's a good thing; they help you learn and get an education, which is good for your future. Students think that homework is torture and should not be assigned. Students are the ones who have to the do the homework, which is why they coplain about it. The teachers don't have to do it so they don't complain.
I sort of agree with this becuase teachers, especially here at ASTI are trying to get us prepared for college. Many of them have said its not going to be easy when you take college classes and tell us things we have to be worried about or should be prepared for.The thing is- college classes are really not that hard.

In my opinion, I think homework is a good thing. But trust me, I am not a nerd. I don't like homework but I know it is important so then we can be prepared and know that we know it ourselves. It can seem pointless becuase we already learn it in class. but the teahces only give it to us to make sure we are really learning and understanding what they are teaching.

Later in your blog, Andy Li states that:
If you're the student who has to do it, you wouldn't want to do it. As teenagers, we care about dates and TV and computers, not homework.

Going back to what I wrote before, homework is good but is notsomething that teenages would want to do all the time. We all have other things that we worry about that are non school related. Who reallly thinks about their educaion or school all the time? 

Back to the original point, homework is good but not something we wish to have. Yes, teenagers don't want to do homework but its good for them. I'm not trying to sound like a teacher but I think homework is important so we can have better grades and be able to explain to those who don't get it or the teacher in fact. To be truthful, I hate homework and I get distracted very easily- but homework is a good thing.

Vocabulary Words

The words that I will be focusing on :

1) Approach

And these are the words I will be studying. Enjoy. :D

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is a shout - out for all Gleeks out there: ARE you ready .... for GLEE? I am super excited. I know I'm not the only one who have seen the promos a dozen time whether it was on Youtube or television. I am so excited for all of the new drama, new music, and new things for occuring characters.

For instance, FINN and RACHEL! Those gleeks who have watched GLee since the season premiere will be excited for the fatc that they are finally a couple in the second season. In the beginning, Finn didn;t like Rachel until they kissed but then he backed out, trying to hide the fact that he had a boner. Then he used her to get her back to Glee and she slapped him for that- but he still had feelings for her. Finn likes Rachel but she still creeps out at the same time. After finding out about Quinn's preganancy with someone else (PUCK) and breaking up wth Rachel, who dated bad boy Jesse; Finn tries to find himself but realizes that he still needs Rachel. At the end, he finally told her he loved her! Who didn't die after that moment? Well looking at the second season premiere, it seems like they will stay togehter but some things will probably cause some conflict (Finn losing his virginity to Santana and from the preview- it looks like Finn and Quinn have a moment)

Speaking of which- Quinn and Santana fighting? Could this be because Quinn is a cheerleader again and is going back to be a bitch- but this time bitchier than Santana? Or could it be something else- maybe jealousy over Puck? I mean it may not be it, but it could happen. Think about it, Santan was screwing around with Puck while he was having a baby with Quinn. At the end, it seemed like he would only have feelings for Quinn and not Santana.

Also, our favorite duo- Mercedes and Kurt are going to get their own boyfriends. This is great because they are the least ones getting action. How could you not feel sorry for Kurt when Finn turned him down so many times and many hurtful ways? And then Mercedes, who fell in love with Kurt before finding out he was gay, and Puck who used her which also caused a fight between her and Santana?

Meanwhile, there is some breakups, hookups,and everything else in between.

Artie and Tina- our loveable and adorable couple will break up. Artie, being selfish, leads Tina to fall for someone else - MIKE CHANG ( as in the male Asian who is a really good dancer)! Will is jealous of Emma's new dentist boyfriend (played by John Stamos, remember Uncle Jesse), Santana and Brittany are rumored to have a lesbian moment; Sue gets new competiton called Beiste (prounouncd Beast), Rachel finally finds new compettion... with an adorable looking dork student with a big voice (CHARICE!!!), Finn has a new protege (Chord Overstreet) who sort of becomes competiton to him too and is Kurt's boyfriend.

AND this is what you do not want to miss on GLEE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PRO- ABORTION!!! (Class DEbate)

Pro Abortion

My member and I are for abortion. We believe that its a woman’s choice if she wants to have a baby or not. There are several people who are not ready or suited to raise a child.

Think about it, would you want a child raised in an impoverished environment where they do not have a loving and supportive family? Don’t you think your child should maintain a healthy life if you do not want your child? What if you can’t support the child and do not know whether you should give him/her up for adoption?

Imagine if you put your child in foster care. What if the parents are abusive? What if they can not provide for them? The child might be sent to different homes and they all may not be caring guardians. wordpress.com states that 85% of children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes; 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes; and 85% of all youths sitting in prisons come from fatherless homes. Not every child will commit crime but it is most likely that it can happen because they do not have caring parents to teach them what is right and what is wrong.

Many teenage girls today are having sex and getting pregnant. According to www.abortionno.org, 20% of teenagers decide to get abortions because they do not want want to deal with the pressure of having a baby and do not feel they can be responsible parents at their age. We believe a young woman or a teenage girl should have an abortion, especially if they felt it was a mistake. What if a woman was raped and got pregnant? Do you think she should keep a baby with a man she won’t see again?

We also think abortion is a better choice than giving birth to an unwanted child. According to www.rcrc.org, the death of a woman who is getting an abortion is one in 100,000 while women who die when giving birth are 13.3 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies. We think women are most likely to survive during an abortion than giving birth.

Why go through all this trouble of unplanned pregnancy? If a child is brought in this world, he or she should be loved and cared about. If it is unwanted, then what good will it do for the parents? Whether they are young or old and do not want babies, they should be able to make the right decision for themselves.