Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Response Post

So because I don't know what to respond to exactly if we don't really do free write posts, I just took a quote from Cindy's blog.
I'm unsure if the book portrays high school as it really is because at asti... things are different.
I have to agree with this because ASTI is not a real high school. It's more like a social event where they try to prepare us for college. Can we be in high school first? We are not even in high school and yet they are shoving college opportunities down our throats. Things are very different at ASTI. The only advantage of being ASTI is not having to graduate and then go to a college for 4 years. The disadvantage is teachers, homework, dress code, and sometimes people. Honestly, we're like in a boarding school because o how many rules there are. Also, I hate the fact that sophomores get so much homework. Really? Are they that strict about homework? I hate it when they tell us stuff that the college won't accept but really the college doesn't have a problem with. ugh.... this place does make me cringe. Back to the main topic, ASTI is different from the dress code to the expectations.

The Coldest Winter Ever Book Post 3

In the third and final book post of the Coldest Winter Ever, many events happen in Winter's life. My partners did not summarize or discuss every detail but we talked about a few things. First thing, we summarized what happened in the beginning. So Winter is now living with Sister Souljah after Rashida, an inmate who is trying to help her life, talks to Sister Souljah and tells about Winter's troubles. Winter tries to keep her negative opinions about Sister Souljah to herself but then learns things about Souljah. We also discussed when Winter ditches Sister Souljah and has sex with G.S. but then she learns that it was G.S.'s bodyguard, Tony who she had sex with.

A question that was mentioned was why Winter is not focused on her family and why is she only focused on herself. We discussed that she is focused on herself because she is by herself and figures that she can make it on her own. Plus, Winter has her own spoiled reasons for not helping her mother, who is now a crackhead andn gets her crack from Bullet, with her extra money and trying to find her sisters.

We also summarized Winter and her journey with Bullet. She runs into Bullet while trying to find Midnight and travels with him to Florida. Bullet treats her like a queen and spoils her because he has feelings for her. They have sex later that night but then the next day Bullet tells her how he wants to be her man. Winter is drawn in and they live in an apartment with each other. Winter does not like the business Bullet is in, but still decides to stay with him. One day, Winter feels sick and takes a pregnancy test. The pregnancy test result was positive. Winter then gets an abortion but has sex with Bullet afterwards which is what the doctor wanted her to avoid. Bullet is one of the reasons why her life will never be the same.

At the end of the book, Winter is in jail a couple years later with a huge gash in her face from Simone who cut and gets a visit from all the people that she has hurt and abandoned such as Santiaga, Midnight with his wife and new adopted children (Lexy and Mercedes) and Porsche, who is prettier than Winter and now has the life she lost.

The Coldest Winter Ever is a good story with a lot of deep meaning and reality.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever Book Post 2

In the second part of the book, Winter is now dealing with all types of drama such as Santiaga being in jail; people she cared about are treating her differently- more in a negative way; money is a big issue; and her sisters are taken from her, and the police/government watch her and her mother 24-7. My two partners Ruby and Janice, and I talked about the different situations she had and we basically asked each other what we thought of it and reviewed to the group who was listening and to each other what were the significant events of the section.

Some of the events or questions we talked about were why Midnight treats Winter the way he does. In chapter 7, Midnight tells Winter that she is immature and basically says that "a dumb woman will bring a smart man down". The way Midnight treats Winter makes the reader question him. From what happens and what we also discussed, he does this probably because he wants to remain loyal to Santiaga and thinks that Winter is not smart nor is she responsible for anything she does. We also talked about why Midnight is mad about the video (Winter,Natalie, Bullet, and Slick kid in a pool, all naked and drunk). One of us said that Midnight might be mad because not only is it a sign of immaturity but Midnight might have some feelings for her but is afraid to admit it.

We reviewed other things such as why the mom changed her wardrobe- is it because she now relies on herself since Santiaga isn't there to provide for them. Also, Winter's relationship with Natalie was discussed and a level 3 question relating to that, "Should jelaousy ruin a friendship?". Sterling, a boy Winter uses for his money and because she is lonely (this is a reason why Aunt B says she is spoiled) might be seeing someone who sounds unattractive. I thought it was a mother but Janice and Ruby thought it may be a girlfriend- which he means he doesn't have good taste.

Basically, we reviewed a lot in the book and discussed opinions and main events in story.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Response to Elijah's Response to Mercedes

"Differences. They are what make us stand out, what make us unique, what define us".

I like this quote because every one can relate to it. If we're all the same, it would be boring. Never follow anyone- be your own person. Set your own trends and follow your own dreams.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever Book Post 1

The book that I am now reading is called The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah. The Coldest Winter Ever is a compelling story about a young girl named Winter who is born in Brooklyn. She is a young girl who has a ghetto style life and calls herself "the queen of the streets". At a very young age, Winter is exposed to inappropriate things for her age such as sex. When Winter is with her friends, she is tough and promiscuous towards males she know she can get to. However when she is at home, she acts innocent to her father Santiaga, who practically RUNS the streets. Santiaga does not want Winter to behave the way other girls do or get into any trouble. Winter acts bad behind her father's back, who hasn't found out yet.

Speaking of which, my two partners Ruby and Janice mentioned this topic about how Winter's mom's opinions and the father's opinions might affect Winter. The mom doesn't mind Winter's bad behavior or life choice and doesn't tell santiaga about her bad behavior. We also discussed why we believe Midnight might not like Winter.

If you're wondering who Midnight is- he is a young man who works with Santiaga. Santiaga trusts him a lot, but Winter has had a crush on him ever since she was twelve or thirteen. The way he treats Winter as if she is an immature child. My partners and I also said that it may be because Midnight likes girls who have a planned future. Winter tries too hard to get his attention but does not realize that Midnight is educated and cares about education. We also talked about how the police is on Santiaga and his family's tail. They continue to do more damage after the mom is hospitalized and Santiaga is in jail , such as taking away the three little sisters because there is no adult to watch them. The maid Magdalena was supposed to watch them but let the police take the sisters away.

I find this book really interesting and hope to know more about the relationships.