Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quote by Quote

I found this quote from Ianna Wilson's and I feel this is a good example on how to solve and how it feels to be in a situation like this

Harassment and bullying are in correlation because even though I was not teased or beat up I still had to deal with the constant snide remarks and groping from the boys who desired to do so. I plan to stop this form of bullying by helping people who are dealing with the same problems and giving them the confidence to stand up for themselves in a manner that wont result violently.
I think this sets examples for 3 rules of the ASTI Constitution
1)Think before you speak and act
6)Speak for Yourself and Others
8) Take Responsibility of your actions

1) People, especially horny boys who don't think about the people they are harassing or hurting. I think that people in general should think before they speak or act because they can do something they may not realize later was hurtful. In Ianna's situation, the boys who harassed her did not think; their eyes spoke for them and caused them to act in a disapproving way- which leads to the 8th rule: Take responsibility of your actions. Many people such as bullies don't think about what they are doing when they are picking on someone who stands out to them. They do it because they feel they will get something out of it. People who harass feel like they are better than the person they are harassing. They find it a joke and do not know how the person being harassed is feeling. When Ianna says"I plan to stop this form of bullying by helping people who are dealing with the same problems and giving them the confidence to stand up for themselves in a manner that won't result violently", I find this inspiring. Not many people who are harassed are able to stand up to their bullies or be able to make them stop. If the person who is being harassed stands up to the harasser, then maybe the bullies will back off. This quote is good not just because its interesting, but this may inspire others to stand up before anything bad can happen.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bullying and Being Bullied

Bullying and Being Bullied

The subject of this blog is bullies and whether being the bully or being bullied. "Odd Girl Out"  by Rachel Simmons would be a good example of this. "Odd Girl out" is a story about a girl who wants to fit in but then she gets cyberbullied by these girls who pretended to be her friends but are really bullies. We will meet these type of people everyday. These people are called cliques. Cliques are also bullies; they want you to be like them to fit in. If you're not like them , then they will judge you and bully you so then they can feel like they are better than you.

Why are bullies created? All they do is hurt people's feelings and think it is funny. They might do it because they might be peer pressured by their friends so then the bullies will feel cool to the friends who peer pressure them. Let's face it, we all have been bullied or participated in bullying someone because of peer pressure or we're just plain mean. In this case, I will use myself as an example.
So I've never really been harassed, but I have felt like an outsider before. I experienced this in middle school where I was going to a new school with people I didn't know. I was very shy and new to things i didn't experience at my elementary school so it was hard trying to make friends. It was really hard trying to fit in because I was expected to be someone I'm not plus there were the mega monsters of doom -----CLIQUES!!!!! I was upset because I didn't really fit in. I was also judged because of how different I was from the rest of the girls.

But I have as well been in a situation when I was in an alliance. In 5th grade, I only hung out with boys so we decided to pick on this one boy who was annoying and dirty. I thought it was a joke so I followed them. We decided to play monkey in the middle, except he was in the middle and was aginst 5 or 6 people playing. It was funny until he started crying. I stopped and apologized because I knew that I wasn't a bully, I was a caring person. This is an example of how some bullies may feel. Even if they are pressured by their friends, they still feel bad for what they have done. Bullying is wrong. We should not bully someone because they are different and we should not bully someone for attention. We should accept people for they are and not listen to those who want us to make negative actions like bullying.

-Wicked News